Orofacial Myology - What we offer:


(1) Assess the role of habits on oral posture,  function and their effects on growth and development, as well as address existing compromises in both adults and children;


(2) Provide learning services for adults and children, who have developed dysfunctional patterns, to restore balanced functional oral posture based on the principles of behavior modification,


(3) Use the most effective means for assisting in identifying and overcoming dysfunctional rest postures, breathing, chewing, swallowing, tongue function, hair pulling, thumb sucking, and body postural habits.


(4) Teach behaviors that support healthy facial, airway, and dental, development,


(5) identify and rectify/eliminate factors that regulate these habits (e.g., cranial dysfunction, tethered oral tissues), and tongue thrust, crooked teeth, diastimas, TMJ, cross bite, swallowing and eating mechanics, thumb sucking, nail biting, hair pulling.


(6) Teach you how you can restore functionality to the way they sit, stand, walk, talk, and  sleep.


(7) Teach orofacial habits that can optimize facial, airway, teeth straightening, development and behavioral maintenance.



8)  Help families and friends who could benefit from orofacial myology services.



You could be a candidate if you have any of the following concerns 6



dental malocclusion

facial asymmetry

face /neck muscle tension

habitual mouth breathing


high narrow palate


jaw joint problems

lip or tongue tie

nail bitting

open mouth chewing

posture concerns

short upper lip

sleep concerns





teeth migration, (crooked)

thumb or finger sucking,


tongue thrust



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You could be a candidate if you have any of the following concerns 6
You could be a candidate if you have any of the following concerns 6
You could be a candidate if you have any of the following concerns 6
You could be a candidate if you have any of the following concerns 6
You could be a candidate if you have any of the following concerns 6
You could be a candidate if you have any of the following concerns 6
You could be a candidate if you have any of the following concerns 6