BPI Breathing Package


The Breathing Package consists of 6 customized one-on-one learning tutorials with your breathing educator, and a breathing instrument rental for 30 days. This learning package is an available option after a Breathing Habit Assessment is completed and the unlearning of breathing habits that deregulate good respiration becomes a productive next step. Tutorials are based on findings identified during the Breathing Habit Assessment, your objectives, an interview, and breathing data findings. Tutorials assist you in developing and addressing breathing learning objectives as you unlearning breathing habits that disrupt respiration, identify, and learn breathing behaviors that improve respiration, and related physiology.  The Package consists of a 20 percent discount on tutorial sessions.


1. A prepayment of the 30-day Breathing Instrument rental. You select the dates.

    CapnoTrainer monthly (30 day) rental: $600.00

2. A prepayment of 6 Breathing Habit Tutorial Sessions. You plan the dates with your educator.

3. A rate reduction of $150 for additional Tutorial sessions within a 4 month time frame.

    Six Sessions with a CapnoTrainer: $900.00

    ($150.00 per session rather than 175.00 each)

    Total LTB Package is: $1,500.00


SUPPLIES for the Breathing Package –

You will need to provide the following: A computer with Windows Operating System (PC system 7 or 8, Mac with Windows partition), 2 USB ports, hi speed Internet access, a USB headset with speaking capability, computer video camera (built in or external optional), high capacity audio card, Microsoft Word or a text software, or notebook for note taking, a phone.

The Breathing Package is designed to assist you in identifying breathing habits that compromise respiration, and associated effects such as cognition, emotions and physical changes.   Sessions focus on how breathing habits may be triggering and perpetuating symptoms and compromising performance, unlearning self-defeating breathing behaviors, and learning adaptive breathing behaviors and patterns consistent with good respiratory fitness.

J. Steven, biofeedback therapist, CA



Breathing Assessment


 is a comprehensive first step to find out how your learned breathing habits may be affecting your health and performance.  Your educator assists you in a self-discovery process, where you learn about your own breathing habits and how these habits could be mediating symptoms and deficits. The in-depth interview is coupled with the use of the instrumentation, for real-time physiological monitoring instrument.



Muscle Biofeedback


Identify muscle habits and patterns with the objective of optimizing muscle function and related physiology. Learn what you can do to decrease compromises brought on by  maladaptive muscle habits.



Breathing Package



are the next step after a Breathing Habit Assessment. These 50 minute sessions with the instrumentation are about learning breathing behaviors that reinstate respiratory reflexes. Tutorials are customized to assist you in identifying self-defeating breathing habits, learning about how these habits may be triggering and perpetuate symptoms and deficits, unlearning breathing habits while learning breathing patterns consistent with good respiration.


Orofacial Myology


Neuromuscular re-education of oral and facial muscles support healthy muscle and structural behaviors essential for proper facial growth, breathing, dental development, speech development, and airway function.


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BPI Breathing Package


The Breathing Package consists of 6 customized one-on-one learning tutorials with your breathing educator, and a breathing instrument rental for 30 days. This learning package is an available option after a Breathing Habit Assessment is completed and the unlearning of breathing habits that deregulate good respiration becomes a productive next step. Tutorials are based on findings identified during the Breathing Habit Assessment, your objectives, an interview, and breathing data findings. Tutorials assist you in developing and addressing breathing learning objectives as you unlearning breathing habits that disrupt respiration, identify, and learn breathing behaviors that improve respiration, and related physiology.  The Package consists of a 20 percent discount on tutorial sessions.


1. A prepayment of the 30-day Breathing Instrument rental. You select the dates.$600.00.


2. A prepayment of 6 Breathing Habit Tutorial Sessions.


3. A rate reduction of $150 for additional Tutorial sessions within a 4 month time frame.


6 Sessions with CapnoTrainer: $900.00. ($150.00 per session rather than 175.00 each)

Total LTB Package is: $1,500.00


Breathing Package supplies:


You will need to provide the following: A computer with Windows Operating System (PC system 7 or 8, Mac with Windows partition), 2 USB ports, hi speed Internet access, a USB headset with speaking capability, computer video camera (built in or external optional), high capacity audio card, Microsoft Word or a text software, or notebook for note taking, a phone.